7 essential tips to launch your hair salon on the web

You hear it everywhere, having a website for your hair salon is essential. We will see together how to simply launch you on the Web to present your universe, inform or even propose to book a service for your clients in your hairdressing salon!

1- To get started on the Web, you need to give it some time

Getting on the Web is only useful if you give it time to do it the right way. If you can't devote enough time to it, don't give up your project, but delegate it to hairdressing and digital specialists.

2- Create a site that reflects the image of your hair salon and your customers

You have a rock-style hair salon and your clients are tattooed bikers? Don't make a site with a pink design! Well the example is far-fetched, but at least you understood, make a site with the image of your hair salon.

Wavy is the most intuitive global solution for your salon. Manage and communicate more easily.

3- Think about referencing

For you to be visible on search engines, your site must be as clear as possible. Use terms that are likely to be searched for by Internet users. Here is a non-exhaustive list: Hair Salon Hairdresser Haircutting Haircutting Hair Colouring (City, District) (Brand of products used)

4- Your site must offer content

It is essential for the visibility of your website to set up a natural referencing strategy. To do so, you will need to publish small articles on current events in the hairdressing industry. However, you are not professional editors. So, to do something more personal, you can write your content in the form of a blog. Give your opinions, on news, trends or even on the life of your hair salon.

7 essential tips to launch your hair salon on the web

5- Use your social networks

As always when we talk to you about the Web, social networks are not far away. In addition to natural referencing, you need to push your friends, your Facebook fans to go to your website. So, share your articles on your Page and push your fans to share them, you will surely gain new customers ;)

6- Create a site according to your 'capabilities'.

To create a website, several options are available to you, choose the one that best suits your expertise on the web. Create a site from A to Z, that is to say code : Obviously this method the one that offers you the most possibilities, but don't think about it, it's a real job.

Wordpress: This is one of the most suitable tools for creating a showcase site for your hair salon. You choose a theme according to your budget and you transform it so that it reflects the image of your establishment. However, it is not easy to grasp all the functionalities of this tool. If you don't know anything about it, go ahead.

Wix: This is probably the easiest "semi-professional" tool to handle. You can create everything simply: text zones, images, shapes etc. This tool is quite easy to use, but the design of your site will take you some time.

7- Make your life easier, choose Wavy ;)

If you don't know anything or don't want to spend time creating your website. Choose Wavy, the team will create a tailor-made site for your hairdressing salon. Photos, schedules, news, your site will allow quick access to key information about your business to thousands of Internet users.

You want to go further in your digital communication, for example with an internal site, to know more, discover our Communication offer or contact us on 01 86 26 12 12 (freephone) ;)

Written by
Aurélie Pauker
Always attracted by the world of hairdressing and beauty, today I answer the problems you may have.

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