How do you design the logo of your hair salon or beauty salon?

Creating a logo is a must when launching a business. It represents your salon or beauty salon and has a major impact on how your customers will perceive your establishment. You can think of it as the face of your brand.

Your logo should have a memorable representation and develop a real distinction between your competitors and your business. More than that, a well-designed logo will give you more visibility in the market.

In this article, discover our tips for having a beautiful logo that looks like you. Of course, we advise you to call on an expert for the design of your logo.

How do you design the logo of your hair salon or beauty salon?

Integrate your trade fair name into your logo

It can be tempting to overload your logo with all the design concepts and trends. But this can quickly lead to visual clutter. 

For example, to achieve a harmonious and understandable logo, you should not include too many illustrations, colours and typography. Adding too many elements will make your logo difficult to read.

To create your best design, you have a wide range of font styles to choose from. But for something as concise as a logo, you need to make your text easy to read, so that your audience can see and remember your brand. Use one or two fonts for a simple yet striking design.

As far as style is concerned, obviously choose one that reflects the personality of your salon or beauty salon. For example, if you are a cool, hip salon, go for a bold typeface. If your salon is more feminine, try to use elegant and modern fonts.

How do you design the logo of your hair salon or beauty salon?

Respect the protection zone 

The protection zone refers to the empty space around the logo that ensures its integrity by keeping it free from visual disturbance. Respecting the protection zones allows the logo to "breathe". It emphasises the design and prevents it from appearing too saturated.

This area is an integral part of your logo as it gives balance and also plays a huge part in creating an easy to digest design.

Show your speciality: a picture is worth a thousand words

Your logo is the visual representation of your hair salon or beauty salon.

It allows you to show your customers what you do while maintaining your own identity. Therefore, to best achieve your visual, we advise you to use simple icons if you wish to include them .

The designs are easy to understand and are a decorative element of your brand. Your customers will only have to look at your logo and in less than ten seconds they will be able to get an idea of your brand image. 

Remember that your logo is what people see on the sign, on your website, on your social media pages, etc.

How do you design the logo of your hair salon or beauty salon?

Use the right colours

Your logo can help you increase brand awareness. To do this, every element is important and must have its place in your logo design. 

For example, colour is what makes your logo more attractive, and also defines the atmosphere and mood of your exhibition . However, you are advised to stick to a limit of two to three colours when designing your logo. Going beyond this can make your logo look inconsistent and cluttered. 

You can also strengthen your brand image with the help of colour psychology. Colours have various meanings. The psychology behind colour is complex, but in short, colours have certain emotions and ideas attached to them. 

Here are the details of this colour psychology: 

  • Red: Red represents excitement, passion and anger. It's a great choice if your brand is strong, young and wants to stand out.
  • Orange: Orange is much less used than red but is just as energetic. It is a vibrant, lively and playful colour.
  • Yellow: If you want to look approachable and friendly, yellow is the right choice. It gives off a cheerful, approachable and youthful energy.
  • Green: Green is extremely versatile and can really work for any brand. It is particularly ideal for anyone who wants to connect with nature.
  • Blue: Blue is soothing and cool. It symbolises reliability and maturity.
  • Purple: Purple can be your ticket to looking luxurious. Depending on the shade, purple can be mysterious, eclectic or feminine.
  • Brown: Brown may seem like an odd colour choice at first, but it's perfect for rugged, masculine vintage logos. It can give your brand a handmade and unique look.
  • Black: If you are looking for a sleek, modern and luxurious logo, black is a great choice. A minimalist black and white logo is the way to go if you want to keep it simple.
  • White: Want your logo to be clean, modern and minimalist? Use lots of white in your logo. As a neutral colour, it works in combination with all other colours.
  • Grey: Grey is the ultimate colour if you want to achieve a mature, classic and serious look. Note that darker shades look more mysterious.

How do you design the logo of your hair salon or beauty salon?

Look at your competitors' logos

The best place to borrow ideas? Your competitors! 

Find out what already exists, what works well with your target audience and what you should avoid. As you track down these other hair salons or beauty salons, think about what makes them different from you and how you can highlight these differences in your logo design. Make sure you clearly stand out from them.

For more advice and support, check out Wavy, you'll soon realise that attracting and retaining new customers is a breeze.

Written by
Interested in beauty and hairstyling, I am Content Manager at Wavy. I am delighted to be able to share my discoveries in this sector with you today.

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