Wavy Store
Land of colour
Haircolouring/Vegetal colouring
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Land of colour

Vegetal Colour

Terre de Couleur's darkening colouring care is used as a complement to the 100% vegetable colouring care on bright tones (mahogany, copper, hazelnut, red).the percentage of darkener must correspond to the percentage of white hair. For example: For a mahogany hair, on 20% of white hair, use 80gr of mahogany colour and mix with 20gr of darkener. Tip: When the white hair is concentrated around the face, apply the darkener alone to the white hair and then apply the chosen colour on top and all over the hair.


Land of colour

The birth of Terre de couleur comes from a simple observation: each person has a different rate of regrowth, a different hair implantation and a different reaction to emotions. 

Terre de Couleur's professional products are based on the knowledge of these rhythms and on the study of our interactions with the elements of nature that surround us. This is called rhythmobiology.

Many researchers have carried out studies on biorhythms, their origin and their influence on living organisms. They have shown that respect for rhythms is the basis of human health.

Terre de Couleur selects its best ingredients from nature for its formulations. Their planet and nature friendly products are a combination of three elements: Water, Salt & Earth. This makes them easily recognisable by the body.

The Terre de Couleur range is complete and offers care products, vegetable colouring and of course shampoos. 

Our recommendations


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