Which nail color for which zodiac sign?

Zodiac signs and colors have always had a deep mystical and symbolic connection. Astrologers and astrology enthusiasts have long believed that each zodiac sign is associated with a specific color palette that reflects their characteristics and energies.

The perfect opportunity for the emblematic professional nail polish brand OPI to launch its new ephemeral collection under the sign of... the zodiac! 😀 With the collection "Big Zodiac Energy" collection collection, discover the 12 signs associated with their ultra-trendy autumn color. How about offering your customers a little astrological chart linked to the color that embodies their sign?

Big Zodiac Energy" collection

The Wavy Store team deciphers each polish in the collection for you in detail 🔮💫

Earth signs

  • ♑ For Capricorns, the sign of responsibility and ambition, colors that evoke stability and perseverance are associated, like the soft green with tender glitter of the "Feelin' Capricorn-y" varnish.
  • ♍ The Virginsa sign of precision and order, are adorned with a pearl bronze "Virgoalsa down-to-earth hue representing tranquility and reflection. 
  • ♉ "Taurus-t Me" : symbol of nature, growth and stability, the Bulls are often associated with green, a color that reflects their perseverance and determination to achieve their goals. 

Signs of fire  

  • ♈ Courageous and ambitious, these are the characteristics of Aries ! The first sign of the zodiac, is often linked to bright red like its "Kiss My Aries" polish. This color evokes the passion, vitality and boundless energy that characterize natives of this bold, impulsive sign.
  • ♌ For the Lionsa very bold "Leo-nly One " bright yellow-gold pearl color, mirroring their dominant personality, and symbolic of their charisma, self-confidence and desire for attention.
  • ♐ Adventurous and optimistic, the Sagittarians are often linked with purple and violet hues, which illustrate their desire to travel and explore the world. This intense, flamboyant "Big Sagittarius Energy" burgundy polish will suit them like a glove.

Water signs 

  • ♋ Cancer Cancera water sign, is associated with white and silver, colors that symbolize sensitivity, purity and protection, like the holographic gray of the "I Cancer-tainly Shine" varnish. They are also known for their gentle nature and strong intuition.
  • ♏ You're bound to recognize the Scorpions in this mysterious pearly blue "Scorpio Seduction", a symbol of passion, power and transformation.
  • ♓ Ah les Pisces... a sensitive water sign, they're associated with violet and deep blue, representing the emotional depth and creativity of these gentle dreamers. For them, it'll be the light blue pearl "Pisces the Future".

Air signs 

  • ♊ Sparkling, understated yet pearly, the " Gemini and I " mirrored white varnish reveals multiple facets reflecting the curious, communicative personality of the Gemini. A gentle hue for this sign, which is easily distressed and needs reassurance.
  • ♎ Les Scales are often associated with rosy purples and pastel greens, colors that evoke harmony, balance and aesthetic beauty. It's the shimmering, glittering "Feelin' Libra-ted" that perfectly embodies this balance.
  • ♒ Finally Aquariusinnovative and original, are linked to the colors blue and silver, reflecting their progressive spirit and desire to revolutionize things. The superb navy blue pearl "Aquarius Renegade is the perfect symbol of their personality.

All the shades in the "Big Zodiaque Energy" collection are available in Nail Lacquer, Gel Color and Infinite Shine.

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